Nessa has an injury that will require minor surgery in June, keeping her out of the summer softball season. Which is a catch22. It is a relief financially, but a bummer cause we do like to travel. I think the end result was for the best. This is the one aspect of our lives in which we live beyond our means. That is something that my husband always says to me. The reality is that the thing he loves best is actually the biggest culprit. Irony?
I am very excited to have the summer to myself. We are going to save money like it is going out of style. Well I hope. Lets see how much hiding I can do. I have a feeling that will be the only way to actually save money. My family is in the habit of spending it as fast as we get it.
Day Dreaming of maybe a vacation. Lots of BBQ's and spending time with family. Cooking, and playing outside with Averie. Oh and moving in August. That is what I am most excited for. A fresh house, to be lived in by the 3 of us. What will that be like. A new ADVENTURE!
I am excited to see Nessa's dorm room. What an adventure that will be. I would have loved to go to college and stay in a dorm. Just for the experience. A real college student she will be come this August. It was a lot of work getting everything together and all the applications in on time, she will thank me some day.
I am working on a raise at work. A promotion actually. My dreams of being a SAHM are pretty far away. Which is sad cause that would be amazing. I think that I might be the happiest person on the planet if I were given that opportunity. Maybe in the future. For right now, I am excited about a possible promo. My interview is Friday fingers crossed.
Averie is doing well, she is loving preschool. She goes everyday and leaps out of my arms into her classroom. We also have her in speech and PT. All covered by my insurance. Grammy is still my ANGEL! She is amazing with her, and I fear the day when she says that she needs a break, and can't watch her anymore. I think I will cry an ocean. Hopefully that day is not in the near future. Fingers crossed on that one too. She is taking Averie to the doctor to have her tubes replaced this Friday. She is talking so much these days. I am really hoping that the tubes being replaced with help her hear better improving her speech. I am so excited for her to start talking, but I think she may never stop. I have a social butterfly on my hands already.
Mother's Day was good and then bad, then good again. I will spare you the details,but it ended with a really nice dinner and a movie. It will pretty awesome. Brian and I also went to our first Braves game at AT&T park this past Monday. First game since the baby was born. Yep 3 whole years. Unfortunately the Braves lost. Bummer. Better luck at the next game we go to.
This weekend I have family from Colorado coming to town, and we are going to have a little BBQ. Our girls are around the same age so they can play while we chat a bit. Love having family over and socializing.
I have made some changes to my lifestyle. I know I have mentioned doing this before, but for the last month I think I have stuck pretty close to my goal. I miss a vitamin here and there and sometimes cheat with caffeine. Rules that I am living by:
1. NO caffeine after 2pm. This has allowed my body to get tired, and I am able to get to bed at a decent hour. Before I would stay up really late and not be the least bit tired.
2. Eating a little better. I have added breakfast into my routine, and am trying to eat dinner. I normally get so wrapped up making it that by the time I am done I am too tired to eat. Lunch is a must during the day. I usually have a salad. Confession I have been buying lunch a lot. I need to plan better at night, but because I have no caffeine I am too tired. Ugh a never ending cycle.
3. Back to running. I love running! I have only ran once in the past few weeks, due to this apocalyptic cold I have. I will be better scheduled with this as soon as I am better. My plan is to wake up at 5am, run, shower, and head off to work.
4. Making dinner. This is a hard task some nights. It takes patience, organization, and juggling. Yes juggling. I have to please everyone, or so I think. So I have to make sure Averie is set before starting to cook anything, which isn't always possible if she is eating what we are eating. Get my drift.
Well that is the update to the ole life. It is going to get interesting so I will try and come back frequently to update. I know this post is all over the place, but here is a little collage of things that happened. I will have to post later on Easter. It was a great day kind of. For the most part.