I decided recently that I was going to delete a couple of my email accounts. Who needs 4 email accounts. I was not able to keep up with all 4, so I decided it was time to purge a couple of them. Well in doing that, I accidently deleted the one linked to my blog.
Not good, not good at all. I was able to after many months to fix it. Yay! I am back.
I am not going to update, cause that would just take entirely too long. I am going to tell you all what is going on currently. Lot's of exciting things are happening.
First off. Averie is starting Kindergarten in less than a month. I have already bought her a new backpack, and am on the lookout for more cool stuff! I love shopping for that booger. Here is the backpack. It is a 3 piece set. The bag, a lunch pail, and a container for food. Cute right.
I cannot believe she is going to be in kindergarten. That is going to be one tough day for me, I might need a cuddle.
Second, we have been taking little trips this summer. We were always so consumed in softball in the past, that we are finally able to live our lives for ourselves. Not to mention we are making memories people. Here are a couple pictures from our trip to Morro Bay. We had such a good time.
Averie had a good time too. This was my sweet pea at dinner on the way home. She slept through the whole meal.
Next up, this weekend we are headed off to Clovis to visit my Aunt and Uncle. Averie went on a boat for the first time ever this summer, and loved it! My Aunt and Uncle have a boat and we are going to spend the day just hanging out and wakeboarding. I love family time. They are such good people too.
Lastly, Brian and I have been hosting FAMILY DINNERS twice a month. This is near and dear to my heart cause family is so important. Talk about the one group of people, where no matter what happens they are there for you. I am very appreciative for mine and so we celebrate twice a month. I love it and look forward to seeing them.
What makes these dinners even better, the patio set Brian bought me for my birthday. Only good times take place here.
Well I am going to sign off, but I hope that everyone has a great Wednesday and I am so excited that the account situation is fixed and I can keep on blogging.