I guess I will start yet another return to blogging. There seems to be a trend with me, when things get rough I become absent. Sparing everyone of the head spinning details, here is the current state of our life.
You may choose not to believe that all this is going on, but it is. I often think......
I can't tell if it is killing me, or it's making me stronger.
And off we go......
Moved last August, signed a six month lease. Six months is up this month and we are moving again. Averie turned five so Kindergarten here we come. Kindergarten enrollment is a little more complicated when you have a child with special needs, but boy is it rewarding when they walk in that first day. Anessa is home. Long story. She is working 2 jobs and going to school (kind of). My prediction is she will be over school come the end of summer. The taste of money is sweet. Brian is done with the cars. We are betting the house on our new endeavor. So far so good, its just a matter of time before we get all our ducks in a row. Grammy is retiring from being Averie's practically full time caretaker. At almost 71 years of age. I think she deserves a little me time. Averie will be in school almost full time and we found a great daycare for her if it comes to that. The new home we are moving into was chosen based on the schools in the area, had to make sure my little monster was taken care of. I think that puts us up to speed. Oh wait, and I have a new job. Yeah lets throw that in there, as if you all weren't thinking I was crazy already. Now I will BREATHE!
A lot of different parts of our life have been put on hold, just until we become reacquainted with our new financial situation.
I am contemplating making this a long post, but my attention span is narrowing. I have so much to share. I guess I will end here with a beautiful picture of my little girl. I can't wait to share her 5th birthday party pictures. Family makes life worth living that is the truth.
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