April 26, 2012


Just us girls.

That's right my mother, grandmother, and myself all at Disneyland. It was a relaxing three day vacation, but also a tiring three days. My feet hurt so bad by the end of the trip that I could not wait to go home. The trip contained literally, no arguing, a lot of laughing, and even more eating. We went on every ride twice at least. I am sure there were crowds of people that saw us (three adults) and thought we were insane for running around Disneyland like little kids. Oh did I mention that we ARE crazy. 

After three days,  I was very happy to see my boo boo (Averie) when I got home. She was asleep when I got home, we took a late flight home to try and maxamize our Disney time. All I needed was to give her a kiss and I was satisfied, or so I thought. I woke up the next morning to spend some time with her before I had to leave for work. I guess tiem got away from me because I ended up at work 15 minutes late. Opps. One more reason that I need to be a SAHM.


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