August 15, 2012

Wordless Wednesday, The House! WK11

The new house that we are renting is a daunting task. It needs so much work. This weekend will be full of lots of painting fun! I say that sarcastically of course. We have to paint the whole house in 2 days, and I am a big ball of stress. The owner is having new carpet installed after we have completed our painting extravaganza, so it is important that we finish this weekend. After the painting is done we, I mean I have to clean. Cleaning is beyond necessary prior to moving in. I will not feel good about the house until I know I have gone through and cleaned every nook and crany. The previous renter was rough on the house to say the least. Thank goodness that the owner is changing out the carpet. I am a neat freak, so walking into a mess was not what I had in mind. So not only do I have to pack up the current house, and clean it, I have to move everything and clean the new house. I guess we got lucky in the respect that he is letting us move in a few weeks early. We lucked out there. Okay, enough of the complaining. It is just all very overwhelming.

So much for a Wordless Wednesday, this is a wordy Wednesday. I guess the pictures tell the rest of the story. No one likes moving. YUCK!

 I feel like my content lately has been so scattered. I have to figure out a way to make it seem valuable. What a weird thing to say, but it's how I feel.

Linking up with The Paper Mama, parenting for dummies.


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