I have made changes in almost every aspect of my life. I am running again (YAY!), and loving that. Brian and I both are making our lunches to take to work everyday. Which was very overdue, we needed to do this sooner. However this is a catch 22. I need to grocery shop more often to make sure we have the things we need to make lunches. This means spend more money. Bummer.
I bought a new car, huge financial savings there. We fill up once every 7 days or so. That is so amazing compared to the old car that I had to fill up every 3 days.
I am applying for a promotion. Trying to pad the bank account. You know. Haven't heard anything on it yet, but I am optimistic.
Averie is 3 and started preschool. Which means that everyday between 8am and 10am, I have the ability to do whatever I want. What does that feel like? It is so great, because she is learning and socializing while I get things done during the day that I need to be alone to do.
Side Note: Speaking of being 3, and it being her birthday. We are making hotdogs, hamburgers, and fries for dinner. She loves hotdogs, I just have to come up with a cool dessert. A cupcake maybe. Na. My booger likes fruit. Blueberries it is.
What other changes have I made....
I talk about making changes a lot, and it is just because it is so hard to do. I try so hard, and I find that writing is helping me to stick to them. It is easy to talk about it but hard to start, even harder to maintain. I tend to fall off the wagon really easy.
This is kind of a messy post. I am pretty all over the place. So, why not keep with the theme. Here are a few things I am totally into right now.
1. Tori Spelling's new book. Spelling IT LIKE IT IS.
2. Planning my Race Schedule.
3. Courtney Loves Dallas. Thanks Amber for getting me totally hooked. The show makes me want to shop and Blog, Tada. Here I am blogging.
4. Drinking a lot of coffee.
5. Shopping on Amazon. It's an addiction.
6. Downloading photo editing apps on my iPhone.
7. iSmoothRun, if you do not have a Garmin, or other running device. This is the app for you. It tracks your distance, time, miles you put on your shoes, and your route. It is a serious motivator for me when I run.
8. Leggings, need I say more.
9. Cleaning, I have OCD! Clorox wipes, and my swiffer are my best friends.
10. I am obsessed with finding a new brown purse. HELP! SOS!