I love reading other blogs. I have a few that I really enjoy. To the point where I could read some of the same posts over and over again. I really do pull inspiration from them. I am inspired to make mine better.
I am going to change a few things about my blog. The first being, I am going to try and complain less. I think it might be considered a little tacky. I understand that it is okay to vent time to time, but I think it best not to dwell. Let's put an end to this. Just maybe if I complain less I will have a better outlook, or just a positive outlook. Worth a shot I think.
I need to fix some of the formatting. I might have to find someone to help me with that. I would hate to lose content while trying to tweak something.I foresee a little bit of research in my future.
I have to, HAVE TO, figure out a way to take more pictures. What is my deal. I have to get it together and break out the camera and document the life of my sweet little girl. She is a blast to photograph. The cute funny things are priceless.
Lastly, where is the organization. I mean my labels are all over the place. I have to make things clearer, if not for myself for my family that reads my blog. If I am able to clean those up, that would streamline my searching. Whew! Sounds like a lot of work. I guess Over the next month I have my work cut out for myself. I love the design, so at least that doesn't have to change. Here I go.....
If anyone has any tips for me. I love Mandy Chiappini's blog. I wish I were as talented as her. Her blog is so clean and easy to follow. I would love for mine to have similar qualities.
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