I wish that this week had of never happened. Really, it was that bad. I have some part of why it was bad, but it's not all me. It comes back to me making decisions, and learning what the right ones are and the wrong, all while trying not to lose who I am. Deep right?! I knew after the long weekend that this week would be long, but I had no idea that it was going to be like this.
So... I am calling a do over. I am willing to relive the whole week over. I don't think that people understand the magnitude of how bad this week is so far. So many things have been put into question, that I can't even see clearly anymore. What am I doing? Ugh I hate this feeling. You know, uncertainty, and indecisiveness. What do I do next? Have we both been so damaged to the point of no repair. Are we there, or are we going there? Things just don't seem the same, and I feel like I am being duped.
I can't keep dwelling on this. I thought that trying to move on like nothing happen would help but I keep circling right back. I just can't get over it, and truthfully I probably shouldn't. I know that no one really knows what I am talking about, and in all honesty it is too long to elaborate on. Let's just say that me and the hubs made some wrong choices. I am able to admit it, but I am not sure he see's his mistakes, which is the part that is making it hard for me to move on.
Now that I have vented that. It really just was something I needed to get off my chest. Writing it makes me feel a little better, and helps me to see things a little clearer, but doesn't necessarily solve anything. With that in mind, my husband did make a long trip to Winnemucca yesterday to pick up a car. Even after a long drive with his brother, in a truck that the Beverly Hillbillies would be scared to drive, he managed to bring me flowers. For those of you that don't already know. I love flowers. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE flowers! They brighten any kind of day that I am having. After the Tuesday that we had, I was really surprised to get anything. I definitely was not expecting it. We are celebrating valentines day on Saturday, because Brian is protesting on the actual day.
I will take what I can get. I bought a killer dress for the occasion. I am also excited to recieve my first Stitch Fix her soon.
p.s. This was suppose to automatically post. I guess I have not go the hang of that feature yet. So here are all the posts that didn't post.
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