May 24, 2013

Not an everyday thing.

I am realizing that blogging may not be an everyday thing for me. Work is becoming a lot busier, and so are the weekends. I can barely make enough time to breathe. Which, i have notices lately is how I like things. So. even though I may complain, I would complain just as much if I were bored. Oh how ironic.

This week started off very busy. The AC broke, and like always there was drama trying to make sure someone was home for the repair man. I ended up taking 4 hours off to be there. Only for him to show up 4 hours late. What a waste. I got a ton of cleaning done in the mean time. But people who know me, know that cleaning my house is never done.The plan is to clean more tonight and tomorrow. Then after all the cleaning, packing for our trip to Napa! My parents are taking Brian and I on Sunday as my Birthday present. I will be, cough, cough, thirty. Moving on....

Tuesday was Brian and my 3 year anniversary. I made him a nice dinner, and he brought home some pretty flowers. I love flowers. They make me so happy. I can have a terrible day, and walk into my house and see flowers and that all goes away. It is amazing the power they have. I made him a yummy chicken pesto with garlic bread, and for dessert cheesecake. The evening was pretty laid back and not too eventful.

Playoff update: Sheldon was eliminated on Saturday in the first game. they played tough though. 12 innings, for those of you that don't know softball it usually only goes 7 innings. It was an awesome and long game. It was 3 1/2 hours long. The were the epitome of the phrase, "played their hearts out."

The end of the year party was on Thursday, and went off without a hitch. It was a little hectic but no major bumps. Everyone got their awards, and Mary Jo got her Quilt. Thanks again Grammy for all the hard work that you put into it. She is an amazing woman. Needless to say, Mary Jo loved it. After the party, all the coaches, and a few of the board members went out to have a couple of drinks. That was probably the best part of the evening for me. Brian and I do not have much of a social life, so this was much needed.

I had the best lunch yesterday, I know so random right. I just need en excuse to post this yummy picture. That's my mozzarella, tomato, and arugula sandwich. The best sandwich to date. 

Whew, I think I touched on everything. My mind is cloudy with excitement for this weekend. I cannot wait to get away with my parents and husband.I will leave everyone with this little chicka dee eating her crunchies. I think that I am going to do a little research on getting my Nikon fixed. Man I need that thing back.


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