May 13, 2015

What I Ate Wednesday 5/12/15

Okay so here it is my first, I think. What I Ate Wednesday. Which is actually Tuesday. Wait how does this work?

Oh goodness. Do the people who post What I Ate Wednesday post Tuesday's yummy food. My oh my. Well mine is going to be What I ate on Tuesday posted on Wednesday. I really don't see how it could be any other way.

Your not seeing double people that would be two coffee's. I was in a mood on Tuesday and had to have a double dose. 

These are a great breakfast replacement for me. I am going strong drinking them every morning. I don't tend to have one on the weekend because we make breakfast. 

This is a Trader Joe's Spinach and Cheese stuffed shells microwave meal. I was lazy yesterday and did not make myself a wrap. I will be making sure I do it tonight, this was not the best lunch. I didn't even finish it. 

Il Fornaio's Pink Champagne sorbet was a splurge. My throat is still pretty sore so I thought the nice cold sorbet would be refreshing. It is not everyday I have dessert after lunch.  

Hello Fresh for dinner again. This time we had  Argentine Spiced Steak. This is more Brian's speed of dinner. I did like the spinach and bell pepper couscous. This one was also only 7 steps. Easy peasy.

 Another day of eating pretty healthy food in the books. I also took my vitamins last night. I tend to forget a lot. Alrighty signing off for now. See you all next week for another What I Ate Wednesday, but from Tuesday. *smiles*

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  1. Ha, this made me laugh. I had no idea people post about what they eat ... I will have to check it out. Maybe I'll join in next week. Tuesday. Or Wednesday. Heck, maybe I'll be a rebel & do a post on what I ate SATURDAY :)

    1. I just recently started reading a couple of new blogs that do it, and thought it would be a good way for me to make sure I am eating through out the day and eating well. I say rebel it up. A Saturday what I ate would be so funny. I would read it. :)
