July 2, 2012

Weekend Wrap-up

I was so tired this weekend that I did not get much done. Watched some TV, a movie or two and made my Cilantro Lime Chicken again. It was even better the second time around. The Family watched Footloose, it was decent, definitely a renter. Then the Hubby and I watched Crazy Stupid Love last night while we ate Hershey's candy bars. You would swear I am preggers, I have been craving chocolate big time. Never had cravings like this before for chocolate. So excited for the 4th of July. I am ready for some swimming, food, and great family. Those are three of my favorite things. The pictures above are kind of a mich mash of the things we did this weekend. They refect how little we did. *smiles* Those are the best kind of weekends right.


  1. Relaxing do little weekends are great!!

  2. Saw your comment over on My Stubborn Little Miss and wanted to get a peek at Averie, since we both have 17 month old girls. My, she's cute! The first picture I saw I could have sworn she was Hailey over at the Hailey Herald. Not uncanny but a serious resemblance. Sh e is beautiful. So glad to find your blog!

  3. I understand about being tired. Ben has been sleeping well lately but he does go through phases that he's up ALL the time. My favorite picture is the second one down on the left. I love that smile!

  4. She is such a cutie! We all need those weekends where we do much of nothing....I think they are good for the soul ;-)
