I am currently living in a bit of chaos. We moved about two weeks ago, and the boxes have almost completely disappeared from my dreams. I wake up in the middle of the night wanting to unpack. NO JOKE! I can officially say that we are almost settled in. I had a health issue that kept me home all last week, so in between doctor's appointments I was able to organize and unpack. We are in this place for the long haul, so I didn't hesitate hanging up pictures and making it feel like home.
I started putting up the gallery wall, it looks pretty good so far, I do think it has some minor tweaking in it's future. I ordered the letter "K" to go in that blank spot on the right. After I hang that up I will do a once over to make any minor adjustments. Both of the canvas prints I bought on zulily.com. I love that website. What a great thing to look at as I wake up and walk down the stairs to go to work in the morning, and then to walk up them to go to bed at night. Family and Friends are so important. It is definitely a goal of mine to make sure that they all know that I think of them daily and love them all. I am trying to do little things throughout the year so that they know how much they all mean to me. I had so much fun making this gallery wall would it be cheesy to do another one? *smiles*
Well I am off to bed. It has been a busy weekend and all the unpacking is catching up with me.
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