June 14, 2012

Today is the DAY!

A lot of things are happening today. Hopefully they all turn out well.

Brian and Anessa are leaving for Lancaster in the morning. I am staying home with Averie. {heavy sigh of relief}. We just could not do another 6 hour car ride. I wish them luck though *smiles*

I just got an email saying that my BIRCHBOX shipped! Yay. This will be my first one and I am so excited. I have heard only good things and cannot wait to see what I get. For $10 a month, how can you pass this up.

ABDC is over and the Electrolytes won. They so deserved it. For those of you that do not know what ABDC is, it is America's Best Dance Crew. It is this great show that Randy Jackson from American Idol created for MTV. My Husband and I are thoroughly entertained by it every season, and this season was no different. Other show news..... SYTYCD {So You Think You Can Dance} is one of my husband and my favorite shows. This season just started and auditions are in full swing. I cannot wait until the actual competition starts. The last couple of seasons have been really competitive, and exciting to watch. What else is on that I am totally guilty for watching. I love Bethenny Ever After, and Guiliana and Bill. Both of their seasons are over, but both shows always leave me anticipating for the next season. I just started watching GIRLS on HBO. It's a very unusual show, and a tad bit addicting. It is a late night, once all the kids go to bed type show, definitely not appropriate for kids/teenagers. Then there are the Hubby's shows that I can't seem to avoid. Every time that Swamp People, or Auction Hunters comes on I get sucked in. Pawn Stars, Oddities, and Mantracker are a few others. Man it really seems like we watch a lot of Television. Disclaimer: all of these shows are recorded, so the 30 minute, or hour shows are actually only 15 minutes, or a half an hour. We try and maximize our time in front of the TV. I can honestly say that we probably only watch about 2 hours of TV a night. That is if the Braves are not playing. If there is a ball game, it turns into 4 hours. We Tivo that too.

Father's Day is Sunday, and there is a possibility that Brian will still be in Lancaster. If he is, we will celebrate on Monday. No biggee. The likelihood of him being home on Sunday is high though, so I need some ideas. I have a couple, but I do not think they are enough. I want to spoil him. Pinterest is a great place to pull ideas from. I found this printable, and it is just too cute.


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