May 30, 2012

Wordless Wednesday's {Pool Time WK3}

Summer time......

I am looking forward to Summer time. There will be a lot of swimming, splashing, and fun in the sun. Starting with Memorial Day 2012.

{Linking up for Wordless Wednesday with Paper Mama, and Parenting by Dummies}

p.s. I dislike picasa. There, I said it. I am not a fan. It just is not high tech enough for me. I want to learn new ways of editing my photos. I do not just want to click a button and it fix everything for me. Or so the picasa ghosts think they are fixing everything. The reality is that I have a lot to learn, and maybe, just maybe picasa is okay for a beginner. I have never been the type of person to start with the easy steps first. I am the  throw out the instructions usually and go off of the picture on the box kind of person. I may make things difficult, but that is how I learn.