June 13, 2012

Wordless Wednesday {Instant Smile WK5}

My week has been tough to say the least. There does not seem to be a break in challenges fo this girl or her family. I really feel like I have aged 29 more years. But there is one thing that makes me smile no matter what. Everytime, it never fails. When the day has gone nothing but wrong, this is what makes me forget it all.

Linking up with, The Paper Mama, Parenting by Dummies, and Jenni from the Blog.


  1. I read Avery's Story...there just not enough words to express my feelings of what you went and are going thru with trials etc. BUT...I can see she has two gorgeous parents inside and out. God bless your family!
    Laurie @ Pride in Photos
    (Came from Jenni from the blog)
