June 22, 2012

Week in Insta-pics

Here is my week in Insta-pics. It was a very traumatic Thursday. Talk about a whole life re-evaluation. I definitely think that there are some things in my life that need to change. Just how exactly I am not so sure. I do know that my goal in life is to be happy and healthy, and I am failing on both accounts at the moment. There is nothing like feeling hopeless all the time, like you just can't change anything. The only solution there is, is to leave, run away, start fresh. I am just not that kind of person. I like to confront all of my demons head on, I want to beat them, not let them beat me. There are a few things changing in the coming months that might make things better. fingers crossed. We have decided to move closer to my step-daughters school. This way she can walk to school. We live in a 2 story house at the moment (actually a tri-level) and the cleaning is killing me. I am seriously dying a slow death with all the stairs I have to vacuum. We will see how that change helps the current state of mind.

Pictures, right. This is the fun part. Sorry for the seriousness, but writing is a better outlet for me to vent.


  1. I'm hoping that things settle down for you! I'll be thinking of you.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks Laura, the day got better slowly, but it did. The weekend helped my recovery of the week. The weeks seem so long and the weekends so short.
