June 26, 2012

Attempt #1 Kale Chips

I have been staring at a Kale Chip recipe on Pinterest for about a month now, and a week ago I finally bougth some at the Farmers Market. I was thinking that it would be nice to trick I mean get my family to eat healthy salty kale chips instead of potato chips. Needless to say my first attempt at these chips was not very successful. However, I now know for next time the changes that I need to make to make them tasty. Here is the altered recipe for those of you that are magically attracted to the same pinterest recipe that I was.

Kale Chips

What you need:

Olive Oil
Kosher salt
Red Pepper flakes {only if you like to eat hot/spicy things}
Parchment paper
Cookie sheet

It is this easy really.

Wash the Kale, preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

Tear it into medium peices.
{it shrinks in the oven so keep the peices a decent size}

Toss all the kale in a bowl with olive oil and kosher salt.
Limit the salt, a little goes a long way.

Spread the peices out on parchment paper that you have placed on a cookie sheet.
Try to lay them flat.

You want to bake them for 10-12 minutes. 15 is too long.
They taste burnt.

Tada! Kale Chips. Like I said before this is a failed attempt.
Just think how good a successful attempt will look.


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