June 28, 2012

So, So, TIRED!

This is what TIRED looks like.

Okay so Averie has decided that she likes to wake up in the middle of the night. Around 2am to be exact, and she has only been doing this for the last couple of weeks. Brian and I are so tired. I am stumped on what to do to make her sleep through the night. She has always been a good sleeper.

{Oh no! Did  I just jinx myself?}

I can usually rock her back to sleep in about 10 minutes, thankfully. But last night we were up from 2am to 4:30am, and today we are both tortured. When she woke up at 2am, I did what I normally do, I grabbed her up, and started to rock her. This time was different though she was not cooperating. She wanted to sit up and play. I would push her back down onto my chest, trying to get her to lay her head down {knowing that if she did she would realize that she is tired.}and she just popped right back up. I could not win with her last night. After multiple attempts and trying to lay her back down in her crib, Brian finally took over. He did this little cuddle thing that he does, and she went right to sleep, but we would not dare try and lay her in her crib. For fear that we would have to start the process all over again. So, she slept with us, or better yet we slept with her. She does take up 2/3 of the bed after all. Brian and I both sleep on the edges trying to make room for her.

The end result was her sleeping for the rest of the morning, but I woke up exhausted, tired, and my arms feeling like noodles from the patting /swaying motion that I do to get her to sleep, and Brian woke up in pain. Both of his hips hurting from trying to lay in a position that would make her fall asleep, and then a position where he would not wake her.

Solution to this is......

I checked to see if she was teething, no luck. She did not have a fever. I changed her diaper, so we are all good there. Then we decided to give her a bottle, she drank half. I think maybe she was hungry. We have been feeding her table food, and it is a little harder to figure out how much of it she is actually eating. So maybe I need to do a better job at regulating that. I don't know I am reaching for a solution. Any ideas? I guess I will try to change her eating pattern, Maybe feeding her a little later. We will see if that works.

Geese, I need sleep. I have a full time job, and my husband's job is very physically draining. Fortunately for him, he is home with her all day today and can take naps when she does. I am so jealous. What I would give. Well, I have to be a productive adult today, so here it goes.


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