July 24, 2012

Friday is the DAY!

17 Month photo

Friday is Averie's ear tube surgery. I am not sure what the correct verbiage is for this procedure, so you get "ear tube surgery". 

I am not able to take the whole day off. *tears*, but Daddy is going to take her in the morning, and I will be with her after. I am so nervous and anxious for her.

Her PT (Physical Therapist) said that having the tubes put in will help with her balance and speech. My natural reaction would be, that this is all going to happen very fast after the procedure. I know that is not reality though. I am just anxious for her to walk and talk.

Averie is walking while holding onto things. She has mastered cruising. She is still crawling all over the place as well. I have definitely noticed a difference lately in her speech. When she says Mama I know she is trying to get my attention. Where as before I was not so sure.

To know that her hearing is going to improve due to the tubes, has me so excited. Then the improved hearing will affect her speech. I guess when we talk to her now she hears a muffled version of what we say. The sound bounces off of the fluid in her ears and then registers. Her Doctor said that this is very common in children with DS.

Balance, will hopefully be improved as well. Walking here we come. I am so eager to see her running around and being a terror. I could not welcome the chaos more.

So keep us in your thoughts as Friday nears. I know that it is a simple procedure, but my little girl has never been put under before, and it has Mommy's nerves going a mile a minute.


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