July 13, 2012

Medication for Medication?

So I have felt terrible lately, literally. I have a sinus infection, and then the antibiotics that they prescribed I re-acted negatively too. I guess the way that they were making me feel was just a normal side effect. Really?! I mean how is anyone supposed to function. I already have a sinus infection and now I have to take another medication to help with the side effects. Come on....

So this is where my problem lies. What good are the antibiotics really doing if they only make me have to take another medication. I thought I was trying to feel better not worse? I have been a pharmacy technician for the past probably 8 years, and this always baffles me. I just don't understand why we take one medication only to end up needed another one, or two, or three. I can see why some people fight things the natural way, not to say that way does not have side effects. But I am sure they are less extreme. I am starting to think that I may want to live a more natural life. Stop the antibiotics and try and fight this with vitamins and rest. I did not have to take medication to get a sinus infection so should I need it to get rid of it. I think my body is capable of fighting it on it's own. I think? What is the best way to find out. I guess I will have to attempt it. I have been trying to do a lot of things different in  my life, eat better, stay active, and just be in a happier place overall. For the moment, and this could change any second, I feel like I am doing pretty well. Maybe making this change will put my and my body in a better position to fight of similar infections in the future.

When I took my daughter to the doctor for her 16 month check up, they gave her three shots. I feel like every time I am there they are administering shots.  This last visit they gave her the chicken pox vaccine. My husband I had not discussed this vaccine prior and so I let them give it to her. Now after about a month I am thinking about how I think I would have preferred her to not have it. I had the chicken pox. I am still here and kicking. Too much some would say. Aren't some of these things important for your immune system to fight off. Do they make it stronger? Or prepare your immune system to fight off other sickeness'? I have no idea, I am definitely going to do my research for the future. I don't want my daughter to be so protected that when something come around that does not have cure or vaccine she is not capable of fighting it off. I don't know how valid this is, but it seems reasonable.

I welcome any thoughts. I am not closed off to other opinions. I am always willing to be educated.


  1. I've come to the same conclusion as you. I'm not trying to avoid antibiotics but trying to lead a healthier, more natural lifestyle. That being said, Colin had an ear infection a couple of weeks ago and I gave him antibiotics.

    Vaccines do scare me but Colin and Ben are fully vaccinated. I think the benefits of them outweigh the risks.
