March 15, 2013

It's Friday, Friday, Friday!

TGIF, is right! I am so excited for Friday. There is a fun filled weekend ahead. Today Brian, the Boo Boo, and I are heading back to Pleasanton for more softball fun. Nessa hit a home-run last night that practically had me in tears. I love watching her play, even though I am chewing my finger nails through most of the game. It is worth it.

Brian is at home, and is in charge of packing our broad up (Oh sh**). I packed most of my things last night. We got home so late that I did it half asleep, so who knows what I am wearing. Bathing Suit can't forget to bring that. I have to text him, like now or else I will forget. I think I am a little nervous about him packing us up. I gave him a pretty detailed list. Here is hoping that nothing gets forgotten.

After Softball on Saturday, Nessa has her Junior Prom. She is going to have so much fun. Then the rest of the weekend will be spent relaxing and prepping for the start of yet another week. They are going so fast, and it feels like Spring is just around the corner. I am gardening this year, and so I have to get planting ASAP. Joe, my best friends hubby text me a picture yesterday of some veggies he planted in January. They were a couple inches tall, but that was it. I have not even started planting and it is March. Oh man, I think I might be in for a serious learning experience/curve.

I am also thinking about starting to run. I will be 30 this year and well I feel like I need to do some sort of activity. Something where I can be alone, exercise, and work off the stresses of the day. I think running might be the trick. I have to say that my inspiration for this has come from a Blog that I have been reading. Her blog is great and I feel like I can relate to her. I guess over the next couple of months we will see if running is for me. I will have to start off slow. I am excited to try something different. My Best friend runs, and she is very fit, and seems very energetic. I want that. *smiles*

Eating is a big thing with me, and lately (with exception of yesterday). I think I have eaten pretty well. Normally, eating is a challenge. I do not have a very big appetite. I think that maybe I will start to track my days eating adventures. Hehe, not sure if that will actually happen, but it's worth a try. Here is this week in a nutshell. I am not very good at remembering to snap pictures of dinner. Geeze I am already off to a bad start, I only have Wednesday, and Thursday's meals. Lol, I will learn.I have a feeling that these pictures are going to get a lot smaller.

Well I have a couple of goals this weekend. Keep better track of my meals, and just relax, and get some much needed sleep. Have a good weekend everyone.


  1. Girl, you are too sweet!! You should totally give running a try. If you end up liking it, def sign up for a race. Say a 5K. If you really don't like it, that's totally fine too. I'm sure there's something out there you'll fall in love with, you just have to find out what it is. :)
    You'll have to let me know how you like it!!

    1. I was blown away to see that you commented. I have been reading your blog for the past week, and thought it might be weird to comment on posts from 2010. I have no clue how you found my blog, it is not very popular.(hehe)I have to say that that I am addicted to your blog. I love readging about how you started running, and all of the life experiences. I have a step daughter as well. My first day to run is tomorrow. I am running to the track and then a mile (4 laps), then home. I am so pumped. Woot woot! I also found a running partner. I think I might be a little more dedicated at first, but I think this is a good start. Thanks for writing such an inspiring blog. Oh and I am going to sign up for my first mud run. It is 2 weeks away, the first one I am going to make fun. Maybe future ones I will take a little more serious.
