I have to mention this even though this happened in 2015. Averie is four years old now. Can't believe that I am a mother to a four year old. Look at her devouring her Ice Cream at her Ice Cream Parlor Party!
Averie met Caleb and Lucas for the first time in 2014
She has grown very close to her stuffed teddy, "Bear Bear."
Averie was a 50's girl for Halloween. Cutest costume to date.
Averie loves spending time with Daddy drinking Jamba Juice.
Averie is now sleeping in a big girl bed. She likes to share it. *smiles*
Grammy is her best friend.
She is learning to ride a tricycle.
Averie loves watching ABC Mouse on the iPad.
Averie Loves Mommy.
Averie has had a couple debilitating colds. Which have magically stopped since Nessa went to college.
Averie had a great summer.
Averie explored the world.
Averie ate hundreds of blueberries.
Averie went to the Dentist.
Averie is Artistic.
I could go on for a very long time. I think this is a good place to halt the photo sharing. Averie was a very busy girl last year, and will be a busy girl this year too. She is always up for adventure and new experiences. I can not wait to see what this year holds for her.
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