April 18, 2013

Mommy Memoirs: My Baby Girl

It has been a long week, and it is probably clear by the number of posts this week how busy I have been. It seems like I have been go, go, go, with no time for a breather. There are a few things in my life that make these long, obnoxious days easier. One of those is my daughter, Averie. Talk about a little girl that is always happy to see me, and never judges. Her face when I walk in the door is priceless, and gives me the best sense of accomplishment I could ever feel. I know that my challenging day was worth it as long as at the end I can come home to her.

Averie is also a booger, don't get this wrong. She is not without her challenges as well, but for some reason I welcome those challenges willingly. Averie is screaming randomly. Not because she is hurt or wants something {as far as I know at least.}, but because she likes the way it sounds. Maybe? So we are trying to get control of that. Which is difficult, Dad and I are not really on the same page on how to resolve this outburst issue. Second she is climbing on everything. We have kind of just let her do this, on certain things of course. Like the couch, or chair. Obviously we are keeping her off of tables, and cabinets. Oh but she tries. Grammy bought her a potty. This weekend is the start of that. I am not sure how to even begin, so we are going to go very slow. Averie is wearing a patch on her left eye now. We are trying to make the right eye stronger. It tends to be the lazier of the two. Poor baby. I always say that she was destined to have at least one lazy eye. Reason being, I have a lazy eye. I am pretty sure that it is genetic.

See, she is no walk in the park. To me, it just does not matter. She can pull my hair, which she does on occasion. She could climb all over me and pull my clothes. I just don't care. Just as long as I am able to spend as much time with her as possible. I work a full time job and so it eats at me that I have to come home, make and feed her dinner, bath and pj's, and then feed the rest of the family. Trust me I am not complaining. I really don't mind the juggle. I just wish I could keep Averie up until 11pm so I can spend more quality time with her. It is bad enough that I have been letting her stay up until 9pm. I just cannot part with her. The point in all of this, is that I am so lucky to be her Mom and just want to spend every waking moment with her. Maybe someday in the future this will be possible. By then I am sure she will not want to spend them with me.  But here is hoping that she always wants her Mama.

{Linking up with A Sorta Fairytale}


  1. I work full time outside the home, so I feel ya....I keep telling my husband that we need to win the lottery so I can stay home all day! ;)

    1. Yes! The lottery would do it. It's kind of bummer sometimes, you have to work to make the buckos but is it worth missing out on all those moments. I guess all we can do it make the best of the time that we do share with them. OH!!!! We always have the weekends. Those are my Fav!

  2. This is such a sweet post. I admire work-outside-the-home Mama's so much!! As much as I absolutely love my kids to death and appreciate every moment with them, I feel like working Mom's appreciate the moments they have with their kids just a little more, because they know what it's like to be away from them during the days. You are all my heroes!! Averie is lucky to have you!!

    1. She really is a gift, no matter the struggles. It might sound a little funny, but I read my fav blogs {yours included} while I am at work, and I live vicariously through you guys. I think it is so cool that there is a network of Moms and Familes out there that share thier lives. It is very cool, and such a treat to the Moms that are working the 9-5 in a cubicle.
