April 12, 2013

It's here again

It is here again, the weekend that is. Man how I look forward to them. Although at the same time being so bittersweet. I hate for them to end. My hubby said he was going to try and clean more today, so I am super excited to come home and start the weekend. I love it when he helps. It makes for a good start.

Update on running, it has been sporadic, but it is happening. I have not ran 3 miles since my last race. That's is not to say that I am not able, I am just struggling to find the time. Here are my last two runs since The Running of the Elk on Sunday. My plan is to run again today. I am looking at getting in at least 2.5 miles.

The Huskies won their game against Folsom yesterday 18-1. Nessa hit a GRAND SLAM! It was so much fun to watch. I am glad that I decided to go.

 We were all decked out in our Sheldon gear. We are so dorky, but so COOL!!

We also got a sneak peak of Nessa's softball photo's this year. Isn't she pretty. She is such a ham, and very photogenic.

 My running has become contagious. One of the other Mother's heard that I was going to run in the Susan G Komen 5K race, and immediately wanted to do it with me. Then she said her daughter would want to run as well. Her daughter is on the softball team. From there it grew. Now we have involved the whole Varsity softball team. Sorry guys. *smiles*

If you want to make a donation to our team, you can find us under "Sheldon Softball Chicks." We ROCK! I know. I am so excited for my second 5K. This is going to be so much fun.

Well, I hope everyone has a great weekend! I know I will.


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