March 12, 2013

*100* things about me (Part 2)

I just have to say that this Tuesday feels a lot like Monday, anyone else having a rough time change transition? I am so tired!!!!

Onward to the next set of 25 things about me. This is shaping up to be a 4 part deal, if it was not obvious before.

26. I am not a morning person, although I wish to be badly. 
27. I am the treasurer on the Sheldon Softball Booster Board, but I suck at math. Hmm.....
28. I think sixes like me. My birthday is 6/6, my daughters birthday is 2/6, my childhood house address is 6, and my dating anniversary with my husband is 9/16. 
29. I could not live without my IPhone. I might actually implode.
30. I love to look at pictures in magazines, not read them, just look at the pictures. 
31. My least favorite chore is sweeping/mopping. We have hardwood so I have to do one to do the other. 
32. My first job was Togo's Baskin Robbins. Second Rite Aid.
33. It is a lot of work to put makeup on in the morning, so I don't most of the time.
34. I am 5.5' and my Husband is 6.2'.
35. I am not very good at holding grudges, I just want PEACE!
36. I look forward to my BIRCHBOX, ELLIE, and BLUMM deliveries every month. I think I have an addiction.(ask for info on any of these, I am more than happy to explain what they are.)
37. I love to celebrate all holidays, even the cheesy ones. 
38. I still shop at AE, and Forever 21 at 29 years old. 
39. I take my MomAgenda out daily. I love writing things in it, even though that means making me even more busy.
40. I work an 8 hour day, but probably only get 5 hours of work completed. (I love my job)
41. I hate being a weekend Mommy. I want to be a SAHM. 
42. I want to make my blog mainstream, but don't know if I have what it takes. 
43. The scar on my cheek is from falling out of the bathtub when I was little. 
44. I was born in South Carolina.
45. My favorite candy is a Milky way dark. 
46. I wash my jeans after every use. I like the way fresh washed jeans fit. 
47. I tried Indian food for the first time at 29 years old.
48. I get annoyed when I text people and they do not text me back, THAT DAY!
49. Currently I have had a cold for a month! Ridiculous. 
50. I would love to move to either San Diego, or the east coast. Somewhere like Massachusetts, or Maine. Two extremes right.

Check back tomorrow for Part 3.


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