March 11, 2013

Fast Weekend

The weekend went really fast. It always does for me, but for some mysterious reason this past weekend went even faster. I think the reason might be that Averie and I had so much fun together. Anessa and I spent some time bonding as well. Shopping bonding that is. I love to shop in general, but I am in love with shopping when I can do it with my Best Friend. Too bad she lives all the way in North Carolina. We text shop, but it is not the same. Luckily she is coming home in May and we can catch up. I have also noticed this weekend how easily I can get off topic. I lost myself already. So the good weekend. Averie and I went to the park and played hard. She loves the swings, and slides. I love watching her too. Something so simple gives her such pleasure. We also did a lot of running around, which kept the day passing. Man what I would give to stay home with that little girl! I just need more time with her that's the bare bottom line.

The thing with weekends is that there are not enough of them. But if there were too many, they would not be as fun as they are, and I probably would not look forward to them as much. Maybe I am wrong, but things always seem to work out to be that way. Can't have too much of a good thing, it tends to loose its luster.

The calendar for this month is filling up fast. Junior Prom for Anessa is this Saturday, but she has a tournament the same weekend, so she may not be able to go. We have the dress, shoes, makeup, and hair accessories, just in case. Nothing like spending, oh I don't know, 250 bucks on a dance she may not even be able to attend.  Makes me sick just thinking about it. I am pretty sure that it cost about the same when I went to prom, oh a zillion years ago (j/k it feels like that). Averie has her two year appointment at the end of this month. I am excited to see how much she has grown. Talk about raising a weed. Let's see what else exciting is happening. I think I am tapped out. It is a slower month than I thought. St. Patrick's day is coming up. Anyone have any exciting plans? Green Beer, or corned beef and cabbage?

Speaking of cabbage. I have decided this year to start a garden. I bought, pumpkin, tomato, romaine lettuce, carrots, onions, jalapeno, cherry tomato, cilantro, parsley, basil, thyme, sweet pea, and scallion seeds. I am thinking I still need watermelon, and zucchini. Since I have not started to plant yet, they can obviously hold off. Brian even said he would make me a planter box this season. I think it is the only way to garden when you are renting. I love fresh vegetables in the summer. Hopefully this will save us some moola, and give us yummy veggies. It cost me almost 30 bucks so far, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that the investment is less than the return.

Let's see some weekend pictures compliments of INSTAGRAM.


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