March 30, 2013

A wonderful weekend

What a Friday. I walked in the front door to find, ALL the laundry done, the dishwasher ran and unloaded, the trash taken out, the bed made, the house vacuumed, and brand new Adidas socks waiting for me on the counter. It didn't end there, we also went to fresh and easy to pick up some groceries and the hubs offered to make chicken tacos for dinner. What you ask is going on? I have no idea. But when I posed the question to the man his response was this. " babe I want to start the weekend off right, and for you to be in a good mood when you got home." That is the sweetest thing that I have heard in while. It took my breath away. I could definitely get used to this kind of treatment, on the other hand it doesn't happen very often and so maybe that is why I was so taken back by it. Oh well, even if it is just a mind game, I'll take it. The weekend is starting off right. The coffee pot is on a timer and my cup is waiting. We even got Brian's mom to babysit tomorrow while we go to the sac state vs. cal game. Yeah baby! I am so psyched for the weekend.

Easter is on Sunday. We bought Averie the coolest toy ever. It might be more for us than her, but oh well I look forward to seeing her face when she plays with it. The funny thing about this toy, is that we bought Grammy one too. Can't wait to see the look on her face either. *giggles*

You have to see these cool socks. I think my pathetic run was in part because I wanted to try out my new socks. I know that is a silly reason to be excited to go for a run, but it works for me. Anything to stay motivated right.


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